Jessner’s + TCA Chemical Peel

Steele Aesthetics offers TCA and Jessner peels for patients looking to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, combat the visible signs of age, and improve the overall tone and texture of the skin. These chemical peels work by removing the outer layers of the skin to reveal the healthy, undamaged skin below for a younger-looking, more radiant complexion.

What is a TCA Peel?

A TCA peel, or trichloroacetic acid peel, is one of the strongest chemical peels and penetrates deeper into the skin to address more severe signs of age and hyperpigmentation. This chemical peel removes the top layers of the skin to reveal the healthy, undamaged skin below. There are various concentration levels and strengths of this peel that can be used to address a variety of skin concerns. Some skin conditions may require multiple treatments in order to achieve optimal results.

What can I expect during a treatment session?

We will customize each TCA peel to each patient, using a customized percentage of TCA solution based on the patient’s skin type and desired results. First, we will thoroughly cleanse your skin and then apply the TCA solution. The solution will be allowed to penetrate the skin for a specific period of time, depending on the condition being treated and the strength of the peel. You may experience a mild to moderate stinging sensation for up to a few minutes once the TCA solution is applied to the skin and your skin may be red and sensitive for the remainder of the day. Following your TCA peel, we will advise you on how to best protect your skin as the old skin peels away and new skin is revealed.

What can a TCA Peel be used to treat?

  • Mild wrinkles
  • Superficial acne scarring
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Actinic keratosis
  • Collagen Loss

Are there any side effects?

You may experience some swelling, tingling, itching, and redness during the peeling process. These side effects are temporary and typically resolve on their own. You should use additional sun protection if you plan to be exposed to the sun, as a TCA peel increases the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight.

Am I a candidate?

If you have sun damaged skin, visible signs of age, or uneven pigmentation, you may be a candidate for a TCA peel. During your consultation, we will review your skin concerns, skin type, and goals for treatment and determine if this is the right aesthetic treatment for you.

What is a Jessner Peel?

Jessner peels are milder than TCA peels and are recommended for patients with darker skin tones or for those who suffer from melasma. Jessner peels can be used to improve the tone and texture of the skin, reduce the appearance of large pores, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In order to achieve optimal results, we recommend a series of five to six peels scheduled once a month.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


7:30 am-3:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm


7:30 am-3:00 pm



